Application processes for several types of visas are usually quite taxing and time-consuming. At Rolex Events, we simplify it with our expert Global Visa Services, offering personalized support to help you secure the necessary travel permissions for your destination with ease and confidence.
Services include:
Tourist Visas
Straightforward visa application processing for travel by leisure to any tourist destination around the globe.
Business Visas
Complete assistance in obtaining business visas, from documentation to scheduling the appointment and meeting with the embassy for corporate travel purposes.
Work and Residency Visas
Providing professionals with help in getting work permits or residency for long stays abroad together with stepwise assistance through the intricate application process.
Student Visas
All-encompassing input into the process for students for education abroad, such as document preparation, interview assistance, and submission of applications.
Transit Visas
Help in obtaining transit visas for a layover or short stay in a intermediate country while traveling worldwide.